Ten Thousand Saints (2015) Full Movie
Set in the 1980s, a teenager from Vermont moves to New York City to live with his father in East Village.
Directors : Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini
Writers : Shari Springer Berman, Shari Springer Berman,
Stars : Emile Hirsch, Hailee Steinfeld, Ethan Hawke
Follows three screwed up young people and their equally screwed up parents in the age of CBGB's, yuppies and the tinderbox of gentrification that exploded into the Tompkins Square Park Riots in New York's East Village in the 1980s.
Follows three screwed up young people and their equally screwed up parents in the age of CBGB's, yuppies and the tinderbox of gentrification that exploded into the Tompkins Square Park Riots in New York's East Village in the 1980s.